Joan Posivy

My first full-time job and career was as a banker. Please don’t hold that against me! My favourite (and very lucrative) hustle during that time was an annual Christmas Tree lot. It was the perfect! Tremendous traffic, high-income neighbourhood, and big volume in a very short period of time. Okay, maybe the below zero temperatures weren’t so perfect…but the profit margin made up for it.

I became the youngest bank manager of a Canadian financial institution.

Having an aptitude for number-crunching made it enjoyable, but I realized that it wasn’t the dream job I thought it’d be.

Towards the end of my banking journey, my business partner and I bought a delicatessen that was going out of business. I worked on it as a side hustle for a full year before quitting my day job…and I’ve never looked back.

Many of my adventures are outlined in the book, The Way Success Works. Suffice it to say, I’m a happy, healthy, and wealthy serial entrepreneur.

While I always have an eye on the “numbers” of a side hustle business, I’m thrilled to be introducing you to Side Hustle Heroes from around the world who share the story of their journeys, to educate and inspire us to take action and live our best life.

If you'd like to take a deeper dive into what's been holding you back from taking the action you know you need to take to improve your results, then I invite you to check out a program I wrote and produced that I cheekily call Turn Your Thoughts Into "Wanted" Things. The reality is, we're constantly turning our thoughts (good and bad) into things, so the question becomes are those things that are showing up in your life a reflection of the good that you desire?

Since our thoughts and feelings drive our behaviour (actions) giving us our results, it's clear we need to alter our mindset if we want to improve our results (especially our wealth). I'll show you how.

Thanks for being here and for being part of the Side Hustle Hero community.