About 4 years ago, Brittany Sampson was a partner in a side hustle that she, her sister, and her mom started. It was an online kids clothing business known as Sugar Dumplin’ Kids. After buying out her two partners, she doubled-down on growing the...
About 4 years ago, Brittany Sampson was a partner in a side hustle that she, her sister, and her mom started. It was an online kids clothing business known as Sugar Dumplin’ Kids.
After buying out her two partners, she doubled-down on growing the business and grow it she did, hitting 7-figure revenues.
Brittany talks about;
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What You’ll Hear:
03:46 Why an online clothing brand?
05:03 None of them had experience with an online business or kids clothes
06:09 You’re typically not paying yourself much in the first year
07:05 Really big mindset shift going from employee to self-employed
10:32 The why behind Brittany buying out her partners
12:07 First steps from idea, to action
13:09 A “small batch” manufacturer will work with smaller quantities
13:33 Brittany often used a “pre-order” model to presell the collection
16:03 Platforms like Pietra do the sourcing for you
16:40 If using a platform like Alibaba you must highly vet your manufacturer
17:55 Examples of manufacturer’s “bait and switch”
19:30 What to look for when vetting a manufacturer
21:51 Using creativity and honesty to sell slow-moving or not-what-was-ordered product
26:13 Careful planning or fly by the seat of your pants?
27:20 Brittany’s annual review and planning sessions, including her “sales calendar”
29:00 A gross revenue number (7-figures) can sound impressive, but what’s the net profit?
31:41 $360,000 profit on sales of $1.7 m in sales
32:20 What drove the growth of Sugar Dumplin’ Kids
36:17 Can delegate through VA’s, Fiverr, Upwork
37:10 It is particularly tough in Year 1
38:50 The real wealth lies in people willing to start a side hustle
39:54 The decision to sell the business
42:23 Brittany’s Top Tip to help you start or grow your side hustle
44:00 Maybe it’s time for you to launch or scale
44:30 “Go as far as you can see, and when you get there, you’ll see how to go further”
44:35 Check out Episode 61: Best Productivity Hack to Skyrocket Your Results
Joan's Online Masterclass to help you achieve your side hustle goals:
Turn Your Thoughts Into Wanted Things
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