Sept. 17, 2024

114: How To Become A Sleep Consultant For Babies And Toddlers

Jayne Havens is both a skilled sleep consultant for babies and toddlers, and a thriving 6-figure entrepreneur. Here she gives us tips for doing both, including how to set your rates, and key strategies for growing any service business.

Jayne Havens is both a skilled sleep consultant and a thriving 6-figure entrepreneur. Today she gives us tips for both.

And here’s a fun fact. According to Jayne, being a successful sleep consultant for babies and toddlers doesn’t require you to be a parent yourself. She makes a compelling case for why this is true.

You’ll also hear;

  • what life is like for a sleep consultant,
  • what your starting fees should be,
  • a simple step to pre-qualify any prospect to ensure they’re willing to pay your fee,
  • setting up boundaries so you’re not taken advantage of by clients, and
  • a most effective and efficient way to grow your business.

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Need a little (and sometimes big) push to start and stay focused to grow your side hustle? Dive into my online Masterclass: How To Turn Your Thoughts Into Wanted Things.

What You’ll Hear:
02:46 defining the role of a sleep consultant for babies and toddlers
03:23 all of Jayne’s work with clients is virtual
04:04 provides clients with a customized sleep plan to follow
05:53 charges $750 for a 2-week consultation, and supports 10-15 families a month this way
06:07 “Ask Me Anything” 30-minute call is $145, best for prior customers
10:15 in the midst of information overload, an expert helps tune out the noise
12:11 first clients came from friends and family, and that evolved to ‘friends of friends’
15:30 connecting with professionals for referral business
17:03 how to get people to talk about you and your business
19:11 thanking your referral partners
20:42 how Jayne works Facebook groups to build business
22:50 Jayne earns $8-$10-$12,000/mth just from consulting work 
23:25 “PJ’s in the mail” go out to each client after the two weeks
25:52 biggest challenge is often the parents of the toddlers not holding boundaries
27:00 a day-in-the-life of a sleep consultant
30:44 setting up clear expectations ahead of time reduces people calling for free advice
32:40 both parents need to be onboard for the process to work
33:42 Jayne has a few dad clients, but vast majority are moms
35:01 although you may want to help others, remember, this is a business you’re building
36:23 some of the best sleep consultants have never been parents
29:15 there are a few males in Jayne’s Center for Pediatric Sleep Management program, about 9 out of 830 lifetime graduates
41:00 Jayne’s recommended starting rate for a new sleep consultant
43:22 this is hard work, especially your first clients
43:57 an overview of Jayne’s consultant program
45:19 she doesn’t resell to her students - she continues to provide them free content and education
46:04 sleep consulting is totally unregulated in the USA (and in any of the countries that I checked!)
48:21 Jayne’s best tip for side hustle success
Wrap Up
49:55 a key takeaway is the importance of learning how to run your business
50:41 everyone has both strengths and weaknesses, keep learning

Connect with Jayne:

The Website

Centre for Pediatric Sleep Management

Becoming A Sleep Consultant Podcast

Becoming A Sleep Consultant Facebook Group

Connect with Joan:



About Joan

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