Sept. 10, 2024

113: Financial Freedom: Why Mindset Matters

When it comes to financial freedom, mindset matters.

If you're working hard but not seeing results, you may be missing this one key element. Here’s why...and what to do about it.

If you’ve been working hard, doing your best, and your financial situation isn’t improving, stop. Take a listen. You might simply be missing this one key element.

When it comes to financial freedom, mindset matters.

A prosperous mindset isn’t just about positive thinking; it’s the secret sauce behind making wise financial decisions and opening doors to new opportunities.

I’ll share with you how to develop the internal mindset of a prosperous person—so that when money is mentioned, it brings feelings of joy and possibilities, and positive expectations.

I began studying these principles in my late teens, buying my first house at age 19, and have been financially free for years. Know that if you want to improve your financial results, it all starts with your prosperous money mindset.

And that’s exactly what we’re diving into today.

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Need a little (and sometimes big) push to start and stay focused to grow your side hustle? Dive into my online Masterclass: How To Turn Your Thoughts Into Wanted Things. Today's episode featured one of the lessons.

What You’ll Hear:

01:05 two key elements to change your financial trajectory

03:39  “98% of adults reaching 30 years of age will not substantially alter their income pattern (adjusting for inflation) for the remainder of their life. Only 2% will experience gains.”

04:08 will more money solve the problem? Nope. Here’s why

05:17 improving your results…your “orange tree”

07:06 you can “grow” into anything you choose

08:30 Thoughts - Feelings - Actions - Results, it’s all hooked up

09:32 your external results are a reflection of your internal reality

09:47 do you have a poverty or a prosperity consciousness?

10:10 here’s how you developed your outlook on finances, money, and wealth 

11:04  sources of our programming

11:32 why we have the money beliefs that we do

11:52 this is what is driving your financial decisions today

16:07 how to discover your beliefs about money and rich people

16:47 how to write and install your new prosperity program

17:12 more money amplifies who you already are

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