Aug. 13, 2024

109: Smart Networking

Smart networking is about building genuine connections. Use this fresh approach to extend your reach and build your side hustle. Here’s how.

Do you look forward to networking as much as you do your next dentist appointment?

You’re not alone.

To fix that, we’re diving into a fresh approach to networking with Melissa Snow, a Business Relationship Strategist. She’s on a mission to revolutionize how we connect.

Instead of focusing on how many sales you can make, Melissa advocates for cultivating genuine relationships.

In our conversation, Melissa shares;

  • practical tips for your next networking event,
  • how to choose the right events for you,
  • common mistakes to avoid and,
  • smart follow-up strategies that’ll save you time and boost your effectiveness.

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Need a little (and sometimes big) push to start and stay focused to grow your side hustle? Dive into my online Masterclass: How To Turn Your Thoughts Into Wanted Things.

What You’ll Hear:

02:08 how not to network

04:01 Melissa’s definition of networking

05:57 how to leverage networking to boost your side hustle

06:50 why you might choose a virtual networking event

08:48 what to expect at a speed networking event

10:12 sample questions Melissa asks

11:08 top mistakes made by entrepreneurs at events

12:56 how to follow up (and how not to)

16:35 substitutes for passing a business card

17:32 be a real human and show up authentically

19:49 a really bad example of networking

24:48 Melissa’s best tip for side hustle success

Wrap Up

26:01 Real Connections, a co-ed virtual networking event

26:36 you don’t need to connect with everyone in the room

26:49 Earl Nightingales’ Lead The Field advice

27:08 “I’m going to make them glad they talked to me.”

Connect With Melissa:

Powerful Women Rising Website to get her list of top virtual networking sites


Melissa's Co-ed Virtual Networking Recommendation:

Laura Livingston's Real Connections

Connect with Joan:



About Joan

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