July 9, 2024

104: Profiting From Overlanding: Creating And Selling Build Manuals

Danny Nathan was going to build a cargo storage and sleep platform for his Lexus GX470 anyway. So why not profit from overlanding in the process, by creating and selling build manuals? Danny loves overlanding—self-sufficient adventure travel that...

Danny Nathan was going to build a cargo storage and sleep platform for his Lexus GX470 anyway. So why not profit from overlanding in the process, by creating and selling build manuals?

Danny loves overlanding—self-sufficient adventure travel that blends off-road exploration with extended wilderness camping, ideally to explore remote areas seldom visited by typical tourists.

But to engage in those activities, you need a vehicle decked out to accommodate all your gear.

While Danny was customizing his Lexus GX470 for overlanding, he documented the entire process and created his first DIY build manual. That endeavor led to the launch of his e-commerce store. The success of that first manual spawned more manuals and multiple revenue streams. Now in its third year, his side hustle company, GX Basecamp, brings in about $50,000 annually.

In this episode, you’ll hear Danny share;

  • the process he goes through to create a manual,
  • his various revenue streams,
  • the creative way he got access to other makes and models of vehicles to produce additional manuals, and
  • what he would do differently if starting over again with GX Basecamp.

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Need a little (and sometimes big) push to start and stay focused to grow your side hustle? Dive into my online Masterclass: How To Turn Your Thoughts Into Wanted Things.


Connect with Danny:

GX Basecamp website

GX Basecamp IG

Apollo21 website

Connect with Joan:



About Joan

Be on the show!

Tell us about your side hustle success story!

What You’ll Hear:

03:20 overlanding led to this side hustle

04:28 it started with a platform build for his Lexus GX470 

05:59 digital manual includes links to seamlessly order necessary parts

09:29 Danny writes the build manual as he is going through each step of the build process

10:31 first build manual was specific to a particular make, model, year

11:14 things snowballed as people with other makes and models started requesting build manuals

11:46 after creating about a dozen manuals, Danny crafted a “universal” build manual that can be applied to any SUV

14:23 length of time it takes to create the manual from start to finish

15:48 how he tapped into overlanding community to source other SUV’s to create the dozen manuals

18:37 revenue sources are the manuals, affiliate partners, and sales of parts and accessories

21:00 business takes about 5 hours a week to run

23:19 Danny designs in 2D and a Nevada company creates the finished 3D product

25:15 spreading the word through the overlanding community and IG account and small sponsorship of events

28:48 the most challenging part of running the business

29:49 costs involved in the GX Basecamp business

31:23 when ordering parts it’s a balance between ordering enough to get a good price per unit, but not too much that you get stuck with inventory that becomes obsolete

34:02 the downside of a digitally-based business

34:34 what Danny would do differently if starting over

35:15 day job is with Apollo 21

37:08 GX Basecamp gives him a place to explore and experiment with business

37:40 now using all he’s learned and now applying it to building dog crates

40:25 Danny’s best tips (3 of them!) for side hustle success

42:00 he recommends reading The $100 Startup


43:40 is there something you’ve built that you can teach or sell to others?

44:25 what else do my buyers need that I can provide?

45:05 Episode 65: Mastering Amazon: Vital Tips From A Top Seller - “risk a little, learn a lot”